Sustainability projects in the Netherlands

1e druk | ISBN 978-94-6315-047-7 | NUR 648 | 2019 | 104 pagina's


This photo book contains stimulating photos and impressions of ­examples to curb the effects of climate change.

It was published on the occasion of the ­annual ­conference of the European ­Society of ­Construction Law: ‘Legal implications of climate change: the case for ­circularity’ that took place on the 24th of October 2019 at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built ­Environment of the TU Delft.


em. prof. mr. dr. M.A.B. (Monika) Chao-Duivis

Monika Chao-Duivis was directeur Instituut voor Bouwrecht en Hoogleraar bouwrecht TU Delft.

mr. R.W.M. (Rob) Kluitenberg

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